Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

  • Miss Shryane

    Head Teacher / DSL

Welcome to our school website.

Hello, I’m Miss Shryane, the Head Teacher here at St Clement’s CE Academy. It is a pleasure to be able to tell you about our wonderful school.

There is much to celebrate at St Clement’s, it is a happy and successful school where pupils’ progress and wellbeing are equally valued within an environment of Christian love and care.

Our school Christian ethos is welcoming and inclusive. Everyone is helpful, considerate, valued and respectful of each other. The children are very happy and enjoy learning. We have a dedicated team of teachers, teaching assistants and other staff who strive to ensure that every child is successful, confident and responsible, equipped with all the skills they need to continue on their future learning journey. This is further embedded through our successful relationships with parents, the local community, Aston Parish Church and the other schools in the Birmingham Diocesan Multi Academy Trust. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school, we regard you as an active partner in your child's education and value your interest and support.

The children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future. We believe that children should be curious about their learning and so through our engaging curriculum, we ensure that children can foster a passion for learning that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a well-rounded curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and reach their full potential. We strive to provide opportunities for children to develop characteristics for effective learning and life and enable them to flourish.

We hope that you enjoy looking around our website – although this is only a tiny glimpse of how very special our school is.

Miss Shryane


  • Mrs Nizamis

    Deputy Head Teacher / DSL / Class Teacher


I have been lucky enough to work at St Clement's for a number of years and be part of this wonderful family that we are here. As the Deputy Head Teacher my job is to make sure that everywhere is working well, with happy and hardworking pupils and staff. I love maths and am always busy making sure that all classes are teaching fun and engaging maths lessons! 

Part of my role is also to make sure our Safeguarding policies and training are always up to date and that all children feel safe and supported mentally, physically and emotionally.

When I was young I loved climbing and exploring outside. 

Growing up I always wanted to be a dancer and travel the world with a contemporary dance company. Keep an eye out for a dance after school club! 

I love working at St Clement’s because we are like one big family who work together, staff, children, and parents. I am really lucky because I get to work with lots of different children and staff and get to know everyone really well. 

When I am not in school, I like to go on lots of different walks in the countryside, including climbing mountains. One of my favourite books is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, I first read it when I was at secondary school and have read it about twenty times since. 

If I had a superpower I’d have super strength and speed! 

  • Miss Akers

    Pastoral Manager

    My name is Miss Akers and I have worked at St. Clement's C of E Academy since 2004.

    I am the Pastoral Manager and DSL. Some of my responsibilities include; managing behaviour, monitoring attendance, supporting families, organising lunchtimes and supervisors, supporting well-being and working with the wider school community. I also lead our Prefects and Junior PCSO groups.